Tuesday, February 25, 2014

What a great day!

I am SO very happy to report that I have not gotten any ear pain today!  I think the injection worked!  I keep getting this little twinge like it wants to start hurting but then it backs off.  I am SO ELATED!  I have pretty much had pain in my ear every single day since the middle of December!  The electric jabs in my face have really backed off too!  I still get really mild ones but they are not overly painful.  They feel more like a buzzing fuzzy sort of feeling.  They are not comfortable, but they are not agony anymore so I'll take it!  I don't think I could ever convey how RELIEVED I am!

I got my workout in this morning.  It was only upper body. It doesn't really take me very long.  Today I had the pleasure of sharing my workout with a friend!  It made the workout fly by!  It's so fun having a friend to work out with!  The only draw back?  I kept losing my count! HA!  I'm thinking I may need to increase my weights - I don't feel sore at all today.  As a matter of fact, I don't feel like I worked out at all!  I was sweaty and all, but not like I am after a run!  Tomorrow is a run day and I promised myself I wouldn't wimp out.  I'm afraid.  I'm very afraid. :-P  I think the BEST part of working out at my gym is the free hydrobed massage I can get every single day!  HEAVEN!  It's funny, but the ten minutes that I get a massage is the ONLY ten minutes in an entire day that I actually get to be alone in a room!  It's sad, but very true!  I can't even pee in peace - I usually have someone in the bathroom talking to me.

Since my workout seemed to be on the lighter side today, I decided to walk to my son's school to pick him up.  He was not impressed.  He felt that a half mile walk after school when he was "starving" was not his idea of a good time!  How could I resist though?  The weather was AMAZING!  It was low to mid 50's but the sun was shining and it felt so very awesome!  At least I got that mile in - half mile to and then half mile from.  I ended up having to carry my daughter piggy back for a good portion of the return trip.  My son had the audacity to ask if I could carry him too!  AAKK!  I sure hope he was kidding, but I don't think he was!  Then we got home and played outside for a few hours!  It was great!  I am really looking forward to summer vacation!  (don't remind me that I said this once August comes and I am BEGGING for school to start again! HA)

With the beautiful weather, I made it a point to wash the kids' comforters and blankets - then I hung them out to dry!  They smell so fresh!  Maybe I'll switch the game around and instead of the kids sneaking into MY bed at night, I'll sneak into one of theirs!  The only issue I have with hanging laundry out to dry is my dog.  She is a complete turd.  If I want to hang clothes, I have to be certain she is in the house.  That stink butt dog once tore four towels and two sheets just because she thought it would be fun to yank them off the clothes line.  How can you really stay mad at a face like this though?  I mean, seriously?

I ate really well today.... until dinner time.  I didn't go over (I don't think) but I kind of kept taking little "tastes" of the rice pilaf I was making.  I think it would probably be a good idea to not make that very often.  I seem to have a self control issue when it comes to that dish!  It would seem the problem is universal in my house.  My husband and both kids also ate a lot of it.  As one of my friends might say "it's amazeballs!"  I had plenty of points left over for dinner but since I kind of lost track of how much rice I actually ate, I'm going to just pretend I used all those points up.  I very well may have done just that!  I really don't think I went over - especially when you factor in all my activity points as well as my weekly points.  Ok, so I definitely did not eat 50 points worth of rice.  PHEW I feel better now!

Tomorrow I start a new medication, it's supposed to knock out the break through pain I'm still having after the nerve blocks.  I am really so impressed with the nerve blocks.  If this medication works as expected and I have an entire day with zero pain?  WOW I can't even fathom that!  It's a very exciting prospect!  It's been so many years!

I know it's only 9 pm but I am SO exhausted.  It has been a full and beautiful day!  I think it's supposed to rain again tomorrow (figures) so I am super glad I lived today to it's fullest!

Thank you for reading and have a WONDERFUL night!


  1. Is your condition (don't ask me to spell out, I can't even pronounced it) genetic? Do your kids have to worry about developing it? I really hope not!

  2. I'm so sorry! I didn't see your post!! From what I've been told, it is such a rare condition but I've been told it is not genetic. I certainly hope that is the truth. My grandfather has this as well so I'm a little worried about that. I'm thinking that by the time my children are old enough to start developing symptoms, there will be much better treatments and possibly even a cure! I just hope they don't even get it in the first place!
